Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Notes from the December 4 Meeting

Our first speaker was Dr. Bryan Glenn, who shared information about the Kiwanis Club and several of the opportunities available for service through the Kiwanis.  As more information becomes available, it will be shared on this site.  Their may be an opportunity to ring bells for the Salvation Army with Dr. Glenn sometime soon.  On February 12, there will be an opportunity at Fountain View Nursing Home.  In April, there will be an opportunity to help out at an Easter Egg Hunt.

More information on these and any other opportunities will be posted.  If you have questions, you can contact Dr. Glenn at 574-255-1716.

Our second speaker was Mrs. Markland, from Pennies for Patients -- a fundraiser for the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Society.  Mrs. Markland shared the work of Leukaemia & Lymphoma Society and how the money we raise will be used.

Officers and the Advisers shared the fundraiser plan:

  • We will be doing a "Candygram" type of fundraiser.
  • All members need to sell 20 "cards" for the fundraiser.  Each card is $0.50.  Members can sell more than 20.  Sell before and after school and between classes (not during class!)  They can also be sold to people outside of school for students at school.
  • Cards are due back on December 18, at our next meeting, along with the money collected.
  • Besides selling cards, each member needs to help out with another job during the fundraiser.  Jobs include preparing cards (done December 2), poster making and hanging (December 5), card sorting and delivery (December 19).  Sign-ups were held at the meeting, and sign-up sheets will be help outside Mrs. Manspeaker's room in case you want to sign up form more or change what you signed up for.  
  • Members can also sign up to sell at lunches.  Sign up sheets are outside Mrs. Manspeaker's door.